Here are some pics of the club trailer set up in my driveway this afternoon when I sent the Winlink message via the 20m HF node in Florida.
I was using the solar charged main battery bank for the main go-box power, and the smaller AGM battery in the orange box to power the inverter to keep the laptop charged up. All power was coming from the trailer.
The antennas are supported by PVC tubes on the front of the trailer. For VHF/UHF there is a slim Jim dual bander held up by the carbon fiber crappie pole.
The HF antenna is a modified BuddiStick on a 16’ paimter’s pole with a coil and a single counterpoise wire. It shows a 1.1:1 SWR on the digital end of 20m and a 1.4:1 up at the upper end. It would only take a minute to shorten the counterpoise a half turn to tune it to 1:1 at the upper end of the band if we wanted to use SSB.