Sign up on (at) Log in and Register for FREE… On their site, for testing before each regular club meeting. Once you register they will notify me with all of your information. To take an exam there is a $15.00 fee for adults (No Checks). After you pass the exam, your information will be sent to and the FCC. Once the FCC processes the paperwork they will email you at the email address you have on file, you then have 10 days to Pay the FCC $35.00 for your Call Sign/License.
You must register 24 hours before Exam.. Please arrive at 7:00am to 7:15am, to sign in for exam. Please bring your FRN, and name / password you registered with for the Exam; may be used for signing Exam Paperwork; Photo ID required, or Parent. No Phones allowed in testing area; Phone may be used to sign exam after. Look forward to seeing you there.
You are encouraged to download the information handout at the bottom of this page. This handout will help you find study material and contains useful information to ensure you are ready to take the examination.
ARRL has launched a podcast aimed at those new to the hobby.
Band Privileges
This chart shows the frequency privileges accorded to each class of license. As you progress from Technician to Amateur Extra, the frequencies allotted to you increase. Hence, it is an excellent reason to upgrade to General or Amateur Extra.
Becoming a Volunteer Examiner (VE)
"FCC created the VEC system to provide initial licensing examination for prospective new hams and upgrade examination opportunities for those already licensed. FCC authorized VEC organizations oversee the work of their certified Volunteer Examiners (VEs) and serve as a liaison between the exam applicants and the FCC." ~ Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL)
To become a VE, you must hold a General or Amateur Extra class license. General class VEs can only test Technician class candidates. Amateur Extra license holders can test all three license class candidates (Technician, General and Amateur Extra).
Go here for training videos for Technician through Extra Class.