In order to keep the list of items "fresh", items that have been on the list for 30 days will be removed on the 31st day. If your item is about to go over 30 days and you do not want it removed, please let us know and it will be "renewed" for 30 more days. This policy will begin on December 1, 2021, Items currently listed will be dated 12/1/21 and will be removed after 30 days unless we are otherwise advised.
To add an item for sale or if you are in search of an item to acquire, contact John - W5JPT (use contact link below) . Please provide a description of the item, its condition, the asking price and contact information such as an email address and/or a phone number. For items you are looking for, please provide as much information as you can about the item.
For privacy concerns, phone numbers will not appear on this site. Anyone requesting a phone number may contact me for that information.